To wrap up this series, we’ll look at how you can talk with God. From ancient times, people have called this practice prayer. We’ll look at how prayer is different from meditation, what prayer changes, and how prayer can become part of your daily life.
This week Carey gives a BONUS interview with author John Ortberg on spritual formation and hearing from God and his book on connecting with God called "Soul Keeping".
So how do you exactly hear from this invisible God? Do you hear voices, or is that just for crazy people? Do you listen to your emotions? Is God...silent? We’ll look at 7 ways God speaks to people today. They might surprise you.
When learning how to have a relationship with God, one of the top questions is "How can I know I’ve heard from God” closely followed by “How can I know God’s will for my life?“ Author Mark Batterson has studied the subject in-depth and shares 7 key ways people hear from God, and how hearing his voice can help you find his purpose for your life.
So many people are getting into spirituality, self-discovery, meditation, mindfulness and finding themselves. But is that all there is? Jesus gave us a powerful illustration of what happens when a person moves beyond themselves and connects with Him. It might be exactly what you’re missing.
Love sees who you really are and sticks around anyway. And that’s exactly what Jesus did. In the days after his resurrection from the dead, Jesus surprised his disciples by making them breakfast on the beach. To their utter shock, it was the beginning of a whole new relationship. Jesus wasn’t finished with them (or with you). He was just getting started.