Getting married is one thing. Being married is another. The journey actually just starts when you become a Christian. There’s a life together that can be deeply challenging but also tremendously rewarding. The ancients called it ‘sanctification,’ and this week we’ll explore what it actually means to be a Christian and how that looks over a lifetime.
So what exactly happens when a couple gets married? Why is it that one minute, they can simply break up, but the next minute they have to get an annulment or even a divorce? Well, at a wedding, something permanent happens. It’s exactly the same when you become a Christian. We’ll look at what happens, why it happens and how to make it happen so something changes forever in your life.
So it’s going well enough to make it permanent, sort of. You like her enough to stick around, but you’re afraid of commitment. So you move in together. Frankly, that’s what a lot of people do with Jesus. They don’t want to commit, but they don’t want to leave. The question is: where does that leave you?
Every relationship starts out with two people who like each other. Your emotions take over. You feel things you haven’t felt before. But then you ask yourself: is this just a phase? Will it go as quickly as it came? Can it be this fun for long? The same thing happens spiritually. What begins as a curiosity about Jesus always lands somewhere else. But what do you do with that?