So if you’ve identified your excuses and negative thinking and taken every thought captive, what do you do next? You replace the negative with something far better. And far bigger. The Apostle Paul shows you exactly what to do to change your future.
If you really audit your thoughts, you’ll realize that you probably make a lot of excuses as to why you can’t be healthier, more positive, more faithful, more hopeful, more kind, more determined, more effective...more whatever. This week, we’ll look at why it’s time to stop making excuses, and how to do it.
Ever wonder where your thoughts come from? Sure, some spring from your childhood or past experiences. But could there be a supernatural force behind your destructive thinking? Jesus called Satan a liar, and today we’ll expose the lies that get planted in our heads.
Ask any professional athlete. The biggest battle is never on the field, the fairway, the diamond or rink: it’s in your mind. In part one of this series, we’ll look at what you think, and why what you think matters more than you think. Changing your mind can change your life.