Here’s the question millions of people have asked: God is good and if God is all-powerful, why is there suffering? Every world religion and worldview (including atheism and agnosticism) has to answer that question. Christianity has an unbelievably different kind of answer that almost everyone misses.
So many people believe there’s an irreconcilable tension between science and Christianity. If you become a Christian, you can’t embrace science. If you embrace science, you can’t have faith. What if faith and reason aren’t enemies, but friends?
So maybe you think that to believe in God requires a giant leap of faith. And maybe you think that essentially, there’s zero evidence for God’s existence apart from the Bible. Is that true? Is there any evidence for God outside of scripture or blind belief? We’ll explore those questions in part one of The Problem of God.
Why is it some people go through extraordinarily tough times and are broken, while others are not? Check out this secret to weathering the storms of life.