Do you ever have those moments where you say something and immediately want to take it back? Or you hear your little one repeat something you've said and wish they hadn't? We've all been there.
You struggle with control and expectations in certain relationships. We all do. Have you felt that in your marriage or with your significant other? Do you often want to micro-manage the choices your kids are making? Does it seem like things are spinning out of control at home with everything that’s going on? Should you “let go” of something you care so deeply about? Family relationships can be hard, but what God has to say about your relationships can make all the difference. This week we explored how the teachings of scripture point us to a greater purpose in our families than we might see in the moment.
Want to know how to stop worrying and start living? We all face moments when we feel powerless. How should we respond when hardships, calamities, and insults come our way? Our world often tells us that these types of situations are to be avoided or eased at all costs. That we should try to control or escape. But is that the best option?
We will be looking at what scripture has to say about the moments when we feel like things are out of our control.
How do the people around you experience your need for control? Control is really about having power, and how we use that power is important. Who do you have power over? How do you use that power to make a difference in the lives of those around you? Control doesn’t inspire people the way influence does. Control makes temporary progress, but it rarely makes a lasting difference.
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Was Jesus really all that Christians believe him to be? What if Jesus was just a "good guy" doing good things? Was he a prophet or the saviour of the world? What is Jesus really all about? In this message with pastor Mark Clark, we will explore how understanding who Jesus is changes everything.
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