Why is it that hanging out with some people totally energizes you, while hanging out with other people actually drains you? Sure...it’s a chemistry thing. But it’s deeper than that. You would think Jesus spent equal time with all people, but he didn’t. In fact, he was completely unfair. He followed a principle that literally changed the world. We’ll study it and how it applies to your life.
While everyone might get 24 hours a day, not all hours are created equal. Your energy ebbs and flows throughout the day. Sometimes you’re on top of the world, other times you struggle to stay awake. What’s with that? Surprisingly, even Jesus dealt with the limitations of human existence in his time on earth. This week, we’ll show you how to make the most of your limits.
Ever wish you had more time? And yet you’ve probably noticed that when you get more responsibility at work or you decide to have another child, nobody gives you any additional time. No matter how complicated your life gets, all you get is 24 hours a day. In this message, we review three gifts God has given everyone and explore why simply managing time is never the solution to your time management issues.
So many people think the key to beating overwhelm is to find balance. What if it isn’t? When you look at history, meaningful lives are rarely characterized by balance. Jesus and other biblical figures that changed history could hardly be described as balanced people. Instead they’re lives were characterized by something far greater. It could transform your life too.
You wish others loved the things that you love. So you talk up that great new restaurant. Or maybe you try to convince them to join in that hobby. Or perhaps it’s all about cheering on that team. We’re great at sharing the little things in life--the superficial things. But what about the most important? Why is it so hard to have a natural conversation about faith? How can you share the significant with those around you?
Of all the things you could do this year, what could make the biggest difference? What if the answer is prayer? Yet many people struggle with prayer. So what if Jesus taught you how to pray? To kick off 2017, we’ll look at exactly what Jesus said when people asked him to teach them how to pray.